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Ancestor's Cave(Healer's Den)
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An odd formation of wind carved rocks that has made a large opening leading to a stream hidden in the hills. While the Healer usually resides at the opening of the cave deep within the tunnel is the pool of water to contact the Tribe of Endless Hunting.

Guard & Hunter's Den
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The guards and hunters usually sleep in one location, that make their nests in a patch of tall grass under a few bushes that clump together. Many younger cats sleep out in the open.

To-be den
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The to-be's typically prefer to sleep out in the open, but when shelter is needed they can take refuge under a few bushes or block wind with some of the boulders in camp.

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The Nursery is built in an old badger's den which is located at the foot of one of the hills

Elder Den
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The Elders claim one of the few trees in the area as their den, the tree is very low hanging with thin roots but creates plenty of shade during the hotter months.

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The center of camp